Rumsen Ohlone
Tribal Community
Monterey County • California
Preserving and revitalizing our culture for our families.
We strive to honor our past, connect with each other and the land, and sustain our culture for future generations.
Rumsen & Mutsun Ohlone participants at annual Ohlone Day event, Henry Cowell State Park, Felton, CA: Gregg Castro, Patricia Carter, Vera Bocanegra Powers, Carli, Jakki Kehl, Linda Yamane, Accaillia Carter.
Who We Are
The term Rumsen (pronounced “ROOM-sen”) identifies our traditional tribal community and is also one of several Ohlone languages.
Rumsen Ohlone cousins Violet Smith, Linda Smith, Linda Yamane, and Cindy Roman harvesting Manzanita Berries (Arctostaphylos species) for making traditional Manzanita Berry Cider, Monterey, CA.
What We Do
Rumsen Ohlone Tribal Community members are learning and practicing Rumsen language and other ancestral traditions.
We have deep ties to our Rumsen origins — to our ancestral homeland and to the indigenous people who sprang from this place and in turn gave us life.
Where We Come From
Look at the faces of Rumsen Elders of the past and get a glimpse into their lives and experiences.
Remembering Our Ancestors
Illustration by Linda Yamane